C2C 17th July

On Saturday 17th July, three members of Hartlepool cycling club – Richie Grant, Graeme Coates and Andrew Wilson will be riding the iconic coast to coast challenge in one day. They will be leaving from St Bees and riding the 130 miles back to Seaton Carew.

The lads are trying to help raise £500 to support a local school community in Hartlepool

Richies wife Karla (Head of School) said “We would love for all of our children at Stranton Primary School to be able to take part in our planned school trips in the next academic year. Trips to places such as Carlton Camp not only enrich the school curriculum but provide experiences the children will never forget. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has caused great financial burdens within the local community so we are looking to raise as much money as we can to help fund the cost of the trips for every child”.

Can you help Karla Grant raise £500 to support our local school community. Please donate to their JustGiving Crowdfunding Page: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/karla-grant-2?utm_term=57p55EyyA

Weekly round up

Weekly 10m tt Result

8. 23-06-21 Week 8 Result

Sunday club run  20-06-21

The forecasted rain showers were enough to put people off the idea of a bike ride this Sunday but not enough to deter Steve, Sean and Peter. Meeting up at the Golden Lion at 9:00 a route had to be decided but only after a full discourse regarding the plight of the English football team. Anyway, Peter suggested Durham, to try and find a new cafe somewhere in the woods near Hougall college. Sean didn’t look too keen as he had heard that Durham was in fact the hilliest county in all of Britain. Don’t know were he got that from but Peter and Steve thought it must be that fake news that is so popular these days. The route was up through Elwick and across the A19 at death crossing then onto the quiet lanes leading to Trimdon. There was a bit of a detour through Kelloe to avoid the Quarington Hill climb but the alternative climb past the landfill site could not be avoided. Along the way Sean was reminiscing about his days fighting the Hun in the first world war and had to explain to Steve who the Germans were, Steve is just a kid really and Sean’s tails were like ancient history to him. After Quarington Hill there was the fast descent into Durham with Peter leading them astray in search of the cafe in the woods. It was called ‘ the secret garden’ but even after asking the locals about it, there was no sign of it. It’s OK calling a cafe ‘secret’ but it cant really be much of a business plan to make it so secret that nobody can find it. Anyway this week they missed the sale of at least three cups of coffee(other drinks are available). Steve and Sean soon became impatient looking for a missing cafe and decided to head for the bright lights of Durham city. A cafe was soon found and artisan scones with fresh cream and jam were ordered to help the coffee go down. With the bridge in Durham centre shut the route back was along the main Durham road and up signing bank in heavy traffic so the turn back to Qurington hill was taken to get back on the traffic free lanes.  By now the threatened rain had given way to dull sunshine so all was well with the world until Steve’s worn out tyres developed a flat spot at the bottom. Upon further inspection it turned out that they had in fact punctured. Peter was soon at work with an old bit of sandpaper and some glue but Steve and Sean told him to stop messing about with the sheep and get the puncture fixed. The repair was soon done and all tidied away and from there it was straight home along familiar lanes. The ride was about 40 miles at 14 ish average and it seems like everyone enjoyed it. Hopefully we will try again next week.

Sunday club run 13-06-21

This Sunday’s ride had a definite aim, in fact not only an aim but a purpose too. Unlike the usual rides which Involve seeking out and assessing the cake, sausage sarnies and coffee (other drinks are available) on offer in cafes local to Teesside and the surrounding area, this Sunday had a proper purpose. A purpose that gave us a reason to get out of bed. That purpose was to act as marshals at the HCC 25 mile time trial (see above). The aim was to get to the half way turning point to do the marshaling in time for the first rider to go by.

Peter wasn’t too keen on having anything to do with helping people ride up and down the busy A19 but when Steve suggested riding there, which Involved some of Peters favourite lanes he was in.

The need to be there on time meant an early start and at 5:30 am Peter and Steve set off for the obscure destination of a junction on the A19 trunk road somewhere in the middle of nowhere. With the weather calm and warm and no traffic on the road it was a very pleasant start to the day. There was however a distinct head wind which soon made the going tough. So tough in fact that Steve was starting to get worried by Peter’s slow progress. Peter was worried too, they were just through Yarm and he was beginning to think that this ride was a case of biting off more than he can chew. With every peddle stroke the wind got stronger and the road felt like a constant hill. He eventually ground to a halt only to discover that the rear brake was binding and stopping the wheel from turning. A quick fix and they were soon on their way again,  heading for the climb at Bullamoor. Once over that however the road soon turned into a rough track but this didn’t last for long and then it was down hill all the way to Borrowby which is in fact the very centre of nowhere. On time as well so the aim had been achieved.

As for the purpose this involved waiting for the TT riders to come along and point them in the right direction. What would they do without us? Fortunately the event passed without incident and everyone made it back safe.

Peter and Steve were then free to enjoy the rest of the day and formed a vague plan for getting home. The route took them up Cotcliffe bank onto the ridge road through Kirby Sigston  and accross the A19 to Thimbleby. Then up the hill past Cod Beck reservoir. It was getting to be time for a cafe stop but the que’s at the Rusty Bike were too long. Next stop Yarm. Steve said he knew of a cafe and headed off in the direction of the Prison. Peter was held up a bit in traffic and by the time he had negotiated the turn Steve had disappeared. Not put off however Peter continued on to the Prison cafe. There was lots of cyclists there but no sign of Steve. Where could he be? Turns out that Steve knew of another cafe along the same road at a golf course. So after separate cafe stops the way home went through a very busy Yarm and as the Three Horse Shoes was open at Cowpen Bewley  it was time to have a stop together this time and enjoy a post ride pint in the sun.

All in all another great Sunday ride full of adventure but normal service will be resumed next week.


Weekly Round up 06-06-21

      The racing section of the club took part in the:

     VTTA (North)Coureurs /Cleveland 

  • Marcel Schubert (Darlington Cycling Club) saw off stiff competition to claim top spot in the Cleveland Coureurs 10-mile time trial in North Yorkshire, while Emma Matthews (Sowerby Sunday Club) came out on top in the women’s event. Hartlepool CC incorporated their Club 10m TT Championship and also the Handicap Championship  into the event with 4 members of the racing team taking part.Paul thirling winning the the Club 10 Championship 00:21:10 and Phil Wright winning the Club 10 Handicap Championship 00:19:26

See attached documents for results, well done to all the the guys taking part.




  •   Sunday 06-06-21 George Wilson and John Parsons were on a V-CC ride round Middleton Tyas with a social gathering at ex Spartan Wheeler 89 year old Maurice Bartle’s house and garden, where the star attraction was the huge collection of classic bikes.  Amongst them a well known West Hartlepool rider Tom Stevenson’s bike with his wife Olives also.  Tom’s old greasy cap still in the saddlebag!


  • This Sunday see the club host the   Hartlepool CC/VTTA (North)  Date/Time: 13-Jun-21 08:00:00  Distance: 25 Miles  Course: T252/3  with World Tour rider Harry Tanfield (Team Qhubeka Assos)  back in action during Sunday’s Hartlepool CC/VTTA 25.On an earlier outing this season Tanfield won the Hartlepool CC 10 clocking 19-44 and will be looking for a second open win on the out and back course near Middlesborough.Marcel Schubert (Darlington Cycling Club) could provide tough opposition with three wins to his name already this season, while Sophie Lankford (Jadan CycleSpace- Vive Le Velo) starts as last woman


Thanks to every who contributed content this week.

Weekly round up 23-0521

Hartlepool CC 10m TT T107  23-05-21


Harry Tanfield (Team Qhubeka Assos) and Sophie Lankford (Jadan CycleSpace) were winners at the Hartlepool CC 10-mile time trial near Stockton on Tees on Sunday.

Tanfield, a pro road rider who is from nearby Great Ayton, clocked 19-44 to take the overall win by 34 seconds despite losing around ten seconds when he eased up too soon and had to pick up his pace again to get to the finish timekeepers.

Meanwhile Lankford was the lone female in the event, but the 25-year-old clocked a respectable  time of 24-40 to place 15th overall.

Tanfield’s time left Darlington CC’s Marcel Schubert to settle for second place in 20-18, while Kris Atkin (Team Kirkley Cycles) was third, another 1-05 off the pace.

Fastest veteran and fourth overall was Cleveland Wheelers’ Rob Carter who clocked exactly 22 minutes, while fifth was Wilson-Jay Brown (PM Racing UK) in 22-45 for second veteran.

The road bike category was won by Rob Carter, while the prize for best veteran on standard went to Teesdale CC’s Russ Richardson with a plus on +5.02.

Tanfield – who has also entered next Saturday’s Richmond CC sporting 23.5-mile time trial – is looking forward to racking up more domestic time trial wins in 2021, having comfortably won both the events he rode in 2020.

Riders faced a headwind on the way back, but of course it assisted them on the way out. The T107 course starts near Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park and heads out towards the docks. They proceed up to circle the Nuclear Power Station roundabout and retrace.

Some action shots from the race, apologies to Paul Thirling i took a photo of the tarmac, Paul was to quick to catch on camera.

11. Paul Thirling         00:23:26     Av 25.60 mph

12. Gary Hunt             00:23:27     Av 25.85 mph

24. Stephen Rhodes  00:28:13    Av  21.25 mph

29. Phil Wright          00: 29:57    Av 20.03 mph

Well done to all the guys who raced and a big thanks to all the marshalls and time keepers with out these guys no events could take place

Sunday morning club ride

It was a bit overcast and not too warm when Peter and Steve met up at the Golden Lion. So it wasn’t so much a group ride, more a bit of a bromance thing. It was early though. We had agreed to meet and ride to the Power Station roundabout to act as marshals at the turning point on the TT event. We got there a bit early and rode on up the Tees road to the next roundabout just to keep warm and clear the course of dead rabbits. When we got back to the Power station we were both happy to see that Jason had turned up in his mid life crisis and not only brought coffee but furnished us with warm hi vis jackets as well. They say that three is a crowd and the way these Sunday club rides are going three would be a crowd.
This Sundays ride was a game of two halfs. The first was marshalling for the HCC time trial event (see above for details) followed by a ride around the lanes and a coffee stop (other drinks are available).

Anyhow he also had a first aid kit on hand in case it was needed. Peter and Steve are skinny and there was a risk of hypothermia setting in as we stood around waiting for the TT riders to come past. Jason had also brought coffee for Phil the first rider off but he didn’t stop for it,  which was a bit rude really.
The marshalling went well considering and there was no need for the first aid kit. Last man off was Harry Tanfield who seemed to be taking it easy but at the same time managing to go very fast. The conditions were tough with a brisk wind which helped and hindered in equal measure but the rain kept off so at least it was dry.
After the event Peter and Steve set out into the brisk head wind on the Sunday ride, heading out to Billingham and round by Bishopton Mill on Bishopton Beck. The same stream, which also used to power a mill at Thorpe Thewles. Nowadays it goes almost unnoticed but was once a major contributor to the development and prosperity of these villages.
We headed up the steep little bank into Whitton and then onto Stillington.
When roads are narrow and steep and full of rough patches it would be nice if big four by fours towing horse boxes were a bit more considerate, in fact it would help if they were a lot more considerate.
Anyway with the wind on our backs and the sun coming out as we turned for home things got a bit easier, apart from the golden gates hill where suddenly Peter’s wheels had turned into squares. We stopped for more coffee(other drinks are available) at the Welly in Wolviston and had our photo taken just to show how much fun these rides are.
We did 40 plus miles at around 15 and a bit average which is exactly what it says on the tin. So if anyone has nowt better to do on a Sunday morning we normally meet 9:30 at the Golden Lion, with details posted on HCC strava.


Thanks to all who contributed this week.

Weekly round up 16-05-21

With the weather improving Club members where back out on the roads this week.

Hartlepool CC 10mTT    T107:

The first club 10m TT was held on Thursday with 10 entrants on the line including 3 club members, the event was won by Ryan Hall from Adept CC in a time of  0:23:21 the bench mark has been set!!

Steve Scanlon was fastest club man in 00:27:10  Steve Rhodes  0:28:35 and Phil Wright 00:30:08, well done gents

League table to be added shortly

VTTA Notts & E. Mids. (All Ages) Pref To VTTA Members.

Phil Wright and Gary Hunt rode strong races posting times of  01:08:50 Avg 21.8 mph and  00:55:24 Avg 27.1 mph respectively, well done guys

Club Ride

The weather forecast was a bit ominous with threats of heavy rain showers and there was a bit of a drizzle thing going on when we met up at the Golden Lion. But Sean, Peter and Steve turned out and braved the weather. Steve on his heavy Mtb with mudguards as his road bike dissolves in water. Peter and Sean were both thinking ”good that’ll slow him down a bit”. We decided to do the loop out through Trimdon and Sedgefield with Sean leading the way up Hart Lane. The roads remained wet but as we headed inland the grey murk lifted and a bit of blue sky could be seen. A cafe stop wasn’t on the cards when we set off but by the time we got to Sedgefield the roads were dry and the sun was almost shining so we had a stop for coffee (other drinks are available) at No 4. Fortunately Steve had remembered to bring a mask and was allowed in to order. Which proved fortunate for Peter and Sean as well. However Sean was after a donut but non were available. What they did have however was strawberry tarts. Strawberry tarts that were being freshly prepared just for us. Strawberry tarts with cream and a bit of extra cream on the side. Strawberry tarts that made the thin grey sunshine seem luminous as it reflected off the moist strawberry jelly, like an M&S food advert made real. So nice were these fruit confections that even as the conversation turned to politics the mood wasn’t soured one bit. We came back past the racecourse and through Bishopton. By the time we got to the Golden gates climb Peter’s strawberry filling had ran out and Steve cracked on ahead while Peter just cracked and Sean climbed steadily (he does well for an old bloke). We came back into a head wind blowing rain in off the sea along the 689. So we ended the ride the same way we started, wet. The pace was around 14 and a bit average. Everyone is welcome on these rides and if everything is well with the world we might have another go next week.

The club sends Richie Grant best wishes on a speedy recovery from his recent illness that has kept him of the bike.

Tanks to all who have contributed content this week.

Weekly round up 09-05-21

 The unsettled weather last week  certainly affected club members riding schedules.

The first club 10m TT  event on the new T107 course  was due to be held last Thursday but after looking at the forecast the committee made a last minute decision to cancel the event on safety grounds, as it turned out the conditions were perfect!! Better luck this week.

The weather put paid to all of the racing section of the club competing this weekend

Memory Lane

Thanks to John Parsons for supplying some Club 10m TT results from the 50s, It would be interesting to know what some of our senior members think of the times posted back then with the bikes, equipment to modern day times with carbon bikes and lycra.

It was great for me personally to see my dad John Grant and my Aunty Barbara and Uncle Bob on the results sheets

Copy of 1 Club 10 published results record 1949 to 1957

Velo 29 Pennines Sportive

Andrew Wilson bravely  rode the medium route of around 50 miles in horrendous conditions, rain from the start that turned into a blizzard and then horrendous whiteout conditions over the top of the Bollihope. The conditions made riders abandoned bikes at feeds zones and many needed help to get down from the Bollihope. Andrew dug deep and rode in survival mode over the Bollihope and back to the finish, he certainly earned a glass of red or two after a hot bath to thaw out.

Well done Andrew

Sunday club ride

No information supplied this week

Weekly round up 02-05-21

With the weather taking a turn for the worse there was still plenty of activity out on the roads from Club members.

Paul “The Thirlwind” Thirling and Richie “Gripper” Grant were the only guys racing at the weekend at the:

Darlington CC (Incl Road Bike Category) (BBAR)

The Thirlwind  put in a great ride on a testing course to finish  16th out of a field of 91 riders in a time of  00-:56:28 with an average speed of 26.56 mph.

Gripper Grant continues to make steady improvement to finish 47th in a time of 01:02:21 with an average speed of 24.10 mph. but still riding with a handicap of needing to lose 1/2 a stone!!

Well done gents.

Sunday Club Ride

We planned a flat ride for Sunday as hills get to be a bit tedious after a while. Was it this, or the bright Spring morning that brought the crowds out? Who knows, but a group of five met at the Golden Lion wondering where we could go without encountering many hills. We set off along Catcote Road. Steve, Sean, Peter, Paul S and Paul G. Then out along the 689 and round Stockton ring road. We aimed to do around 40 miles and take in the road that loops around the airport. The only problem with this plan was that having spent time on the internet, surfing, there was not much prospect of a suitably located cafe. We all like a good cafe stop but despite the area being a mecca for cyclists, according to the world wide web, it was a literal desert in terms of watering holes.
There is a lot of scenery in the form of fields with hedges and stuff but what we really wanted was a cafe to stop at. So it was great to see the Devonport hotel at Middleton one Row serving coffee (other drinks were available) but not sausage sarnies unfortunately. It was just as we were sitting down that Paul S told us that he had to get back home by one or his dinner would be fed to next doors dog.
Last week Jason paid for the cafe stop. This week Sean did the honours with proper money as well,  so a big thanks to them two but the rest of us are steadily racking up debt now and coffee doesn’t come cheap.
Anyway we were there long enough to learn of another cafe in Middleton St George, so one minute there aren’t any and then two come along together. It was then that it started to rain, and as we were mindful of Paul S and his dinner dilemma it was a question of how quick can you neck a coffee. Well it was down in one and off we went in the rain with the aim of getting Paul S back in time for his dinner. We headed to Sadberge and from there to Norton trying to plot a route that avoided hills. We came back along the Greatham track and by then the roads were dry again, a massive relief for Steve as his bike is allergic to dampness . It was just turning 12:30 by the time we got back to town so it was looking good for Paul S’s dinner but not so good for his neighbours dog. So all in all it was a successful ride with good company and maybe we will try again next week

Photograph kindly supplied by Crimewatch










V-CC Ride

On Saturday V-CC members George Wilson and John Parsons took part in the River Tees ride.  It is on a Saturday as the Transporter is closed Sunday.  Since it is still closed, that part of the ride was missed.  Starting at Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park, 8 riders, one who had come from Thirsk, went through Billingham on to cyclepaths along the North bank of the Tees over Victoria Bridge for lunch at The Dubliners pub. The return was along the winding route of cyclepaths around the Durham University Campus and back up the ramp at the Newport Bridge.  Through Haverton Hill back to Cowpen Bewley.  It was very cold all day but warm away from the wind and like being in a freezer in the shade of buildings and bridges. 18 miles at a very leisurely pace was enjoyed by all despite the cold.

Thanks to everyone for the content supplied.




Club 10s to start Thursday May 6th on the T107

Hartlepool CC
May 6th to July 8th
                          T107  Seal Sands 10 mile TT
Please note the weekly club ten starts next week, meet at the Cowpen Bewley Country Park Car Park, first rider off 18:45, make sure you have a rear light, any bike will do. As CTT charge a £3:00 levy ( for insurance ) we will have to charge a £5. We will be having a league for fastest and standard over 6 counting out of the 10 events, with plaques presented at the annual presentation night ( if covid allows) . The road surface on parts of the ten miles is not brilliant so don’t over inflate your tyres. ! ha It is open to members of CTT affiliated clubs and we have a “try it  and see” for non club members.