Weekley round up 25-04-21

Again with the weather being kind this week the Hartlepool CC members were out in force.


Richie”Gripper”Grant make another trip over to the lakes to compete in the:

Beacon Wheelers (Charity Event)

Phil”The Power” Wright and Gary”Flying Machine”Hunt were both down to ride  the O10/5 near Sheffield but on safety grounds decided against it. It has a very hairy downhill start and then hurtles you through a village with a 4 way junction. So to make up they both had a dummy run on HCC’s new T107, no official times but Gary did it in a longish 23 and Phil done it in a longish 29, both without any aero gains. Road surface is a bit grim in places so don’t have too much pressure in your tyres or you will need frequent visits to the dentists.

Sunday Club Ride

Sundays club ride was around 40 miles with the Aviator cafe as a destination to aim for as a coffee stop. Five of us met at the Golden Lion. Steve, Jason and Peter and two new lads Nigel and Jim. The dry sunny morning had certainly brought the crowds out. We headed out through Deaf Hill and luckily  for him Steve slowed down a bit to have a look behind him before he went down Signing Bank. The other three of us were stood at Coxhoe turning wondering where he was off too. Jim had given up by then but fair play you have to try these things to see if its for you. Anyway we arrived at the cafe road junction at the same time as a large group of cyclists from Stockton. The road up to the cafe is a steep ramp and it became a bit of a race to get to the cafe first. Jason had seen the Stockton group and sprinted up the hill but a couple of the Stockton group were hot on his heels. By the time I got there, there was a large group congregated outside the cafe, but fortunately Jason was at the front of it. Now the question is, how many cyclists can you fit in a cafe? Well not many it turns out, even when you have to sit outside. However thanks to Jasons efforts, while the 20 or so Stockton group had to sit on the grass with takeaways, us four were invited to a seat at a bench with full waitress service. A little win! Coffee and sausage sandwiches all round then and we sat and watched a small plane take off into the blue. The way back was via Sedgefield and mainly into the wind along the 689. Steve and Peter turned along the Dalton back road while Jason and Nigel continued back into town. I think everyone enjoyed it, so there’s only one thing to do, try again next week.


 Steve Scanlon has just completed all 5 stages of the Tour Of Watopia on Zwift on Mon 26th April. This is the only image Steve has is showing all stages completed in his  Zwift companion app.

Well done to all the club members for another busy week on the bike……..

Weekly round up

With covid restrictions easing and the bright but chilly weather club members where out in force over the weekend

The racing section of the club were busy with Phil Wright and Gary Hunt riding the:


VTTA Notts & E. Mids.

Gary”The flying machine” Hunt placed 35th with a 21:50 with an average speed of 27:48, just managing his 10 mile VTTA standard medal ,  Phil” The Power” Wright was placed 81st with a time 26:58 with an average speed of 22:25

Well done to the lads for travelling so far a field and flying the flag for Hartlepool CC.




Paul Fountain , Richie”Gripper”Grant  and Phil”The Power” Wright were down to ride Sunday morning but unfortunately Phil was a DNS (A)  suffering a nasty cough after the A10/14

  • Stockton Whs CC (Sporting Course)

    Date/Time: 18-Apr-21 09:00:00


  • Distance: 23 Miles


  • Course: T235

Paul rode a solid race to take 14 th position with a time 0:57:09 with a average speed of 24.17mph. Richie came in 34th place with a time of 1:04:53 with an average speed of 21.3 mph.

Well done to both riders.

Sunday morning club run

Sunday saw the 1st club ride for 2021 with  three club members Peter Sanderson, Steve Scanlon and Paul Sefton turning up for the ride, hardly a super spreader event but at least the club colours were out on show..
It was bloody cold with a slight wind blowing just to keep the chill factor high (low) ? So I was surprised to see Paul in shorts and summer jersey. I had three layers on and was still shivering. Anyway we went out along the 689 and through Bishopton where women were stood taking photos of us. I did wonder if they were some sort of vigilante speed cameras,, but soon realised that they hadn’t turned out for us but to take pictures of their other halves taking part in a Stockton Wheelers time trial. A bit like the reverse of readers wives. It brings home just how unfit you are when you are struggling up a little bank and someone comes past you without any effort and about four times as fast.
Anyhow I had checked the cafe website and it confirmed it was open but when we got there, guess what, it was shut.
So whats to do now? We thought stop off at Thorpe Thewles pub and get a coffee there instead. The sun was out now and it was warming up nicely and with the wind behind us sometimes and mainly downhill on the way back we were looking forward to a nice coffee stop. By now I was a bit too warm and Paul was happy in his summer kit. Anyhow we got to the pub and guess what, shut.
So no photo of us three sat enjoying coffee in the sun and what else to do now? Nothing but give up and go home. Which is what we did raking in the scenic route through Dalton. So there is only one thing for it, try again next week

So anyone wanting to join the club run next Sunday  meet at the Golden Lion at 9:30. The idea of the Sunday ride is to do around 40-50 miles at a steady pace and be back by early afternoon.

Veteran-Cycle Club NYSD

HCC members George Wilson and John Parsons were in group of 9 riders who took part in the first Veteran-Cycle Club NYSD section ride around Stockton. 
 Starting in Preston along a track to join the cycle path in to Stockton centre, along the Riverside,across to Portrack Lane following cycle paths alongside the A19 for a refreshment stop at Gregg's in Norton Village. 
Quiet roads then led to Roseworth and through to the old railway line to Hartburn and back to Preston Park.
The conditions for cycling were idyllic and it was the perfect social ride, 16 miles at an average speed of 8.5mph.  not exactly race training but good enough for the older, less fit locals. 
 One new V-CC member had driven up from Thirsk for the ride and was delighted at what we had to offer.
  John Parsons is the local ride organiser for the V-CC who can be contacted on  johngparsons2003@yahoo.co.uk  and would be delighted to see new riders on May 1st meeting at 10.30 am at Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park for a ride down the north bank of the Tees
 and back along the south bank to the start. Mostly cycle paths and a leisurely pace.

Weekly round up 11-04-21

HCC’s Gary Hunt and Phil Wright rode the 25 mile TT on the A11/25 course on the A50 near Derby


. Very cold windy conditions prevailed. Gary did 55:06 to finish 27th and Phil did a 1:09:14 to finish 62nd out of a field of 80. Both riders achieved their VTTA standard and are eligible for VTTA medals for that distance. Gary  won the Veterans 50- 59 section and claimed £15.00 prize money. 1st drink on Gary at the annual presentation night!!

Well done to both riders



Richie “Gripper “Grant opened his account with a brave ride at the:

Beacon Wheelers (NLTTA Spoco)(Lowther Circuit)(Charity Event)

The weather  in North Cumbria was sunny with little wind but extremely cold with the  temperature hovering around -3.

The Lowther Loop,is a sporting  time trial course,  and saw riders complete a 14.9-mile circuit around the Cumbrian countryside.

Riders started and finished near Newtown before heading out to Askham and then south through Helton, Bampton and Rosgill before joining the A6 back north to the finish

Richie said “It was a tough one and the most technical course I’ve ever done. The course was down windy lanes and with corners which would catch people out. There was also a kicker of a climb to get the legs burning.

Richie finished  56th with a time of 45:47 and average speed 19.527 mph out of a field of 69.

Sunday morning club rides

Peter (Sanderson) has been in touch to try and raise awareness for the Club rides on a  Sunday morning
Peter said ” There has been a bit of interest in Sunday morning rides following the easing of Covid restrictions. I know that the Sappers group is very popular but there is also a small group that goes a bit slower and not as far and meet at the Golden Lion on Sundays generally about 9:30. The pace is around 14 -15 average and the aim is for not dropping anyone. Generally, the mileage is around 40-50. Looking at the weather I am not anticipating many out this weekend but hopefully as the weather improves there might be a few more out.
As cafes open up again, I would hope that a stop along the way could be had as well time permitting”.
Some come on guys lets try and get the club colours out in force on a Sunday Morning.


Phil Wright 1st TT 2021

Phil opened his TT account for the season with tough SPOCO at the Kings Lynn C.C. 25 m SPOCO

Kings Lynn C.C. (BBAR)

Phil said  “I rode on Saturday on the B25/33, which was a 25 mile Out and Back TT on a single carriageway. The conditions were freezing cold and a 15 mph wind – not a pleasant day for lycra. I did it in 1:14 whilst the winner did a 53. I was 53 out of the 56 finishers and would advise against riding a SPOCO course without firstly doing a recce”.
Well done Phil

Phil  and Gary Hunts  planned races for the month ahead.

Gary Hunt and Myself to ride the A25/11 near Derby if the weather improves on 10th April
Followed by A10/4 on 17th April
I am down to ride T235 on 18th April but as I understand SWCC are having difficulty getting an HQ
Gary Hunt and I will ride the O10/5 on 24th April

Good luck gents

Richie “Gripper” Grant opens his TT account over at Cumbria on Saturday in the :

Beacon Wheelers (NLTTA Spoco)(Lowther Circuit)(Charity Event)

The fat lad will need more than good luck to get round the course before dark.

Great  to see the Hartlepool C.C. colours proudly being displayed on TT courses around the country.


British Cycling The way forward

Our plan to resume cycling events and activities


Home » About us

From Monday 29 March we are pleased to be able to reintroduce cycling events and activities as part of the move to Step 1: Phase 2 of the UK Government’s roadmap for easing Covid-19 restrictions.

On this page you can find our comprehensive guidance documents for club and group activity, coaching, cycle-sport events and facility operators, and for further information you can find our FAQs here. Guidance for activities in Scotland can be found here, and for Wales here.

Our guidance






The process

While we await more detailed guidance from Government on Steps 2, 3 and 4, we have also published an outline roadmap of our own which sets out our plan to reintroduce our remaining activities and events. A hi-res version can be found on page 5 here.

British Cycling Roadmap

Additional support

In addition to the guidance documents above our team is regularly hosting webinars to give you the opportunity to ask any further questions you may have, and to share knowledge and ideas with others in your role.

To find out more about this, please get in touch with our Events, Clubs, Education and Facilities teams via the email addresses listed below.

External resources

Coronavirus update – 26 03 2021

As most will be aware and as stated in the CTT release on 22 February 2021, the publication of the government “Roadmap” set out the way forward and gave details of the gradual relaxation of the Covid-19 restrictions in England. The Scottish and Welsh governments have set out their own timetables for Scotland and Wales respectively and the position continues to vary as between England, Scotland and Wales.

No changes have been announced by the government to the “Roadmap” and accordingly, formally organised outdoor sports will be allowed to resume in England from 29 March 2021. Cycling Time Trials is pleased to confirm that the current suspension of events will end and that in England CTT events (both type A and type B events) will be able to resume from and including 29 March 2021.

When holding an event, whether that be a type A or type B event, it is essential that the requirements as set out in the CTT COVID-19 risk assessment are followed. If any club or organiser is in any doubt as to whether or not an event can proceed, please contact the National Secretary (Legal & Corporate) nick.sharpe@cyclingtimetrials.org.uk

The CTT Covid-19 risk assessment has been updated to reflect the changes made in the Covid-19 restrictions since 2020. The amended risk assessment is available on the CTT website:

A significant change from last year is that there are now no restrictions for those who compete on a tandem nor are there any restrictions to team trials, to include 2-up events.

The “Stay at Home” rule will end on 29 March. Please be aware that the government advice is that people are urged to stay local. The shift is from the current legal standpoint of “stay at home” unless you have a legal reason to travel, to [as from 29 March] one of guidance to stay local. Subject to CTT’s rules and regulations, there is no restriction on who can compete in a CTT event. As is stated in the risk assessment however, the onus is on the rider on whether or not to travel to a specific event. It is not the responsibility of the organiser or promoting club to police this.

Please remember:
The threat of Covid-19 and the risk of infection does still remain. If you are not well or showing signs of Covid-19 then please do not attend at any CTT event.

The Scottish government has announced that competitive sport can resume from and including 17 May 2021. There is now a possibility that competition may be able to resume from 26 April 2021 although we are still waiting for official guidance. A further update will be released once the situation has been made clear.

Please note however that Scotland will remain in a tiered system. Competitive sport will be permitted at levels 3 and below.

It is anticipated that if conditions allow, “organised activities”, to include competitive sport, should be able to resume from 22 April 2021. It would appear however that any such activities will be limited outdoors to a maximum of 30 persons.

Coronavirus control plan: revised alert levels in Wales (March 2021) | GOV.WALES

The Welsh government has stated that it will continue to monitor the situation weekly and a further update will be released once this has been clarified.

Police notification forms – open and club events
Although this may have been done already, clubs and organisers are reminded that they should send the PNF to the relevant police authority to ensure the necessary legal requirements will have been complied with. The PNF must be received by the relevant police authority at least 28 days before the day of the event.

26 March 2021

CTT COVID 19 Update

Coronavirus update – 23-02-2021

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As the difficulties surrounding Covid-19 continue, finally there is light on the horizon as regards the resumption of competition. The position varies as between England, Scotland and Wales.

On 22 February, the government published its “Roadmap” to set out the way forward and the gradual relaxation of the Covid-19 restrictions.

Formally organised outdoor sports will be allowed to resume in England from 29 March 2021. To be allowed to go ahead, any such sport will need to be compliant with guidance issued by the relevant National Governing Body.

The government plan to ease lockdown requires four tests on vaccines, infection rates and new coronavirus variants to be met. If that does prove to be the case and those tests are satisfied, then organised outdoor sport will be able to resume once more in England from and including 29 March 2021.

Cycling Time Trials is pleased to confirm that as the situation stands at present, it is not proposed to extend the current suspension of events beyond that date. Accordingly, assuming that there is no change to the government “Roadmap”, both Type A and Type B events can be held from and including Monday 29 March 2021.

When holding an event, whether that be a Type A or Type B event, it is essential that the requirements as set out in the CTT COVID-19 risk assessment are followed. If any club or organiser is in any doubt as to whether or not an event can proceed, please contact the National Secretary (Legal & Corporate) nick.sharpe@cyclingtimetrials.org.uk

The Covid-19 risk assessment and guidance – Putting on a Cycling Time Trials Events under Covid-19 is available on the CTT website:


CTT will continue to monitor the position closely. The threat of Covid-19 and the risk of infection does still remain. If you are not well or showing signs of Covid-19 then please do not attend at any CTT event.

Police notification forms – open and club events

Although this may have been done already, clubs and organisers are reminded that they should send the PNF to the relevant police authority to ensure the necessary legal requirements will have been complied with. The PNF must be received by the relevant police authority at least 28 days before the day of the event.

Currently, organised outdoor activities in Scotland are not permitted. Following the Scottish government’s announcement today, it is not yet clear when formal organised sports in Scotland will be able to resume. A further statement will be issued by the Scottish government in mid March and it is hoped that this will provide some clarity as to when formal organised sports in Scotland can take place once more. Accordingly, there cannot be any time trials in Scotland until such time as this situation changes.

Similarly, organised outdoor activities in Wales currently are not permitted. As such, there cannot be any time trials in Wales until such time as this situation changes. A further announcement is expected from the Welsh government in a little under three weeks’ time.

23 February 2021

CTT Coronavirus update






A message to all organisers

The latest CTT newsletter is to be sent soon and will contain an update on Covid-19 and how the government’s measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 continue to impact on competitive sport.  Just in case this is not received by you, this note is being sent to all organisers and district officials to inform them of the current position so far as holding an event is concerned.

Although the government’s figures show that the rate of new infections is slowing down, there is no indication as yet to say when it will be possible to resume competitive sport.  CTT continues to keep this under review and as soon as there are any developments, a further release will be issued.

Many early season events have already been postponed, with a small number cancelled.  If you are promoting an event, if it looks unlikely that your event can proceed, the Board would ask that you look at postponing the event to a later date, rather than cancel it.  2020 was a very difficult year for us all.  Everyone would like to see competition once more.  The demand is there!

Police notification forms – open and club events

Although this may have been done already, clubs and organisers are reminded that they should send the PNF to the relevant police authority to ensure the necessary legal requirements will have been complied with.

Thank you.  As always, your ongoing patience and support is very much appreciated.


27 January 2021
