ZWIFT Meet up/ Ride with feature

With Zwift you can ride with others from all over the world, but sometimes you might want to ride with specific people. If you’re looking to get together with friends on Zwift, there are a few different ways to make that happen:

  • Agree to meet a friend or friends at a certain point on a course at a certain time, making sure everyone chooses the same route.
  • Use Zwift’s “Ride With” feature to join someone already riding. When you log in to Zwift, select a world to view the list of riders currently on course. The names of people you’re following are listed first. Select a name in the rider list and hit the “Join” button. Be ready to start pedaling as soon as your avatar appears! Zwift will keep you alongside the other rider for a few seconds while you get up to speed.
  • Join an organized event like a group ride, race, or group workout, and have your friend(s) join it too.
  • Create a Meetup. This is a private event where you and a group of friends can ride together easily. Keep reading to see how it works!


To create a Meetup you’ll need the Zwift Companion App. Click on the Events tab and you’ll see filters for cycling and running events but also a third option. This is the option to create a Meetup.


First, you’ll choose between a ride meetup and a run meetup and when you want to meet. Once you’ve set a date and time, Zwift Companion will give you a choice between Watopia, Innsbruck, London, New York, Richmond and Yorkshire. Tap the world to select it, then choose your route and set a total distance or time duration for the Meetup.


The Meetup Feature allows you to invite any Zwifter who follows you. Find the profile of a rider you want to meet up with in Zwift Companion and tap “Create Meetup.” You can also go to Events, tap the Meetup icon, and click “Create Meetup”. If you have a friend on Zwift whom you would like to invite, simply press the plus button and type their name into the search box. You can invite a maximum of 100 followers to join you.

There is an option to include a short message with your invitation before you click “Create Meetup”. Any riders you have invited need to confirm that they will be attending, but then you’re good to go!

Under “Customize Your Meetup,” you can choose how the meetup functions. Choose “None” for a normal ride, or “Keep Everyone Together” for a ride where everyone stays together no matter how much power they’re putting out. As the description says, “You’ll be able to draft and move around in the group without fear of being dropped unless you stop pedaling.” This can be a fun way to help people of different abilities ride together!


While you’re in a Meetup, you’ll continue to see everyone on course, unless you select Meetup-Only View to hide other Zwifters from your in-game view. What exactly does this mean? Well, you can ride in your selected world with just your Meetup crew for company. The names of fellow Meetup participants will be highlighted in green in the rider list to the right. The leaderboards will be filtered to show only those in the Meetup with you, so you can have a friendly competition for leader’s jerseys.

Finally, hit “Create Meetup” to create the Meetup.

Important Info:

  • You can only invite people to a Meetup if they’re following you.
  • The maximum number of followers you can invite is 100.
  • You can schedule a meetup up to 7 days ahead of time.


Turn any Meetup into a race with all your friends! Simply choose the “Race Results” customization tab and continue setting up your Meetup like normal. After the Meetup, you can view your results in the Companion app or right in the game. Only the people on the ride can see the results on your activity feed—other riders won’t see those details.



Never get left behind again! Zwifters can now “Late Join” a Meetup up to 30 minutes after it’s started. This feature is always on, so you don’t have to set up a thing. Keep in mind, however, that turning on Race Results will override this feature—it’s not a race if your friends are late!


Are you the one who’s been invited to a Meetup? You’ll get a notification in game, and you can see the invitation in blue on the “Home” screen of Zwift Companion. Tap it to see details about the Meetup and respond “Going” or “Not Going.”

When it’s time for your Meetup, log in before it’s scheduled to start. If you’re a little late, don’t worry! You can join up to 30 minutes after the Meetup has started. Zwift will notify you a few minutes before the Meetup is going to begin, then take you to the starting point to wait with your friends. When the countdown hits zero, the Meetup has started.


British Cycling Updated Coronavirus/Covid-19 Guidance


Home » About us

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday 4 January we have sadly now suspended all activities and events in England until further notice.

We know that this news will come as a disappointment to many of you, however it’s important that we now once again pull together to ensure that cycling plays its part in bringing the virus under control. Getting out on our bikes is a great way to boost our mental and physical health and we’ll be working hard to keep you pedalling.

You can find the most up-to-date guidance for Scotland here and Wales here.

How can I continue to ride?

Under the new restrictions you are permitted to cycle, and we would encourage you to do so, while following these rules:

  • You should only ride alone, with your household/support bubble or one other person.
  • Stay local, ride within your limits and ensure you are self-sufficient.
  • Leave the house to exercise only once each day.
  • Keep a safe distance from others and practice good respiratory hygiene (i.e., no spitting, use a tissue).
  • You can only leave your home to exercise, and not for the purpose of leisure (such as a picnic or a coffee break).
  • If you need to travel, such as to work or go to the shops, you are encouraged to cycle where possible.

What do you mean by local?

We know many of you will want to know what is meant by ‘staying local’. The Government’s definition of this is stated as ‘your village, town or the part of a city where you live’.

We understand that this definition is particularly restrictive for cycling, and we are working to seek further clarification on this. We will provide a further update as soon as we are able.

In the meantime, we recommend that you follow the advice to stay local, ride well within your ability and ensure that you are self-sufficient.

Are there any exemptions?

Yes. Under the new restrictions, elite sport and organised outdoor sport for disabled people are both exempt. However, due to restrictions on facility access organised activity for disabled riders will be limited by the availability of a suitable location for it to take place.

What support is available to help me to stay active?

We know that keeping active during the winter is tricky but throughout the next few weeks we’re going to be sharing loads of tips, tricks and ideas to keep you pedalling (and warm!) if you’re able to, helping us all to keep our mental and physical wellbeing in check. You can find some of our resources below:

What support is available for event organisers?

This new lockdown will be incredibly disappointing for event organisers, and our Events team is now working hard to provide support for those with events due to take place over the coming weeks. A separate FAQs page for event organisers covering registration fees, refunds and insurance can be found here.

If you have any questions, our team can also be contacted by email at

What financial support is available for the sector?

There are a number of funds available to help groups, clubs and organisations respond to the immediate challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, which you can find out more about here. The National Leisure Recovery Fund is in place to support publicly-owned leisure facilities, which you can find out more about here.

What about facilities?

Under the new lockdown, all indoor and outdoor sport facilities must close. However, some of these businesses and places will also be permitted to be open for a small number of exempt activities, such as for elite sports persons to train and compete and for schools to use where that is part of their normal provision.

Further questions 
Click here to find out the best way to contact British Cycling, and you can read the full update on the website here.


Coronavirus update – 06-01-2021

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In light of the government announcement given on Monday 4 January, which has now legally come into force, as we are now again in national lockdown, Cycling Time Trials (CTT) has taken the decision to once more suspend all CTT events, (this includes all Type A and Type B events), with immediate effect.

National lockdown: Stay at Home – GOV.UK (

The suspension of events applies to all CTT events in England, Scotland and Wales.

CTT will continue to review and monitor the government’s advice and a further review will be carried out at the end of January.

CTT is aware that this will be a big disappointment to many, especially so after the difficulties encountered in 2020.  However, in the current circumstances there is little alternative.

CTT cannot say when it may be possible for competition to resume.  This is entirely dependent on factors that are outside of CTT’s control.

All organisers – if you have an event listed for February 2021, it may be prudent to consider now what you wish to do.  If you wish to postpone your event until later in the year, please could you contact Stewart Smith – National Secretary (Competition & Development) who will be able to discuss the potential options with you.

Thank you.  Your ongoing patience and support is very much appreciated.


6 January 2021

CTT Covid update



There are still a small number of CTT events to take place in 2020.  As no doubt everyone will be aware, the difficulties caused by Covid-19 continue and this continues to have an impact on organised sport.  This update provides a summary of what you can or cannot do so far as CTT events are concerned.  This will depend on the restrictions that affect the area where you live or where the event is to take place.

New measures came into effect on 20 December 2020.  CTT events now have to be considered under the new local restrictions.  The restrictions vary depending on which country or in what area you are in.


The whole of Wales has now been placed under Alert Level 4.

Under Alert Level 4, organised outdoor activities are not permitted.  Accordingly, there cannot be any time trials in Wales until such time as this situation changes.  Currently, it is not known when this will be.

In addition, there are travel restrictions in place which mean that no-one from Wales should travel outside of Wales without a reasonable excuse.  Taking part in a CTT event would not be considered as a “reasonable excuse”.

Alert level 4 | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES



It is possible to hold a CTT event within the government restrictions as set out for Tiers 1, 2 and 3, although please see below.  Considerable care will be needed to ensure that there is no breach of the restrictions, particularly in Tier 3.  All organisers and/or promoting clubs will need to be confident that they can ensure strict compliance with the CTT Covid-19 risk assessment.  Technically, it may still be possible to run a CTT event within a Tier 4 area, although due to the speed with which the Covid-19 restrictions are evolving, CTT will not sanction any events that are either based in a Tier 4 area or where the meeting point for the start is based in a Tier 4 area.  This position will be reviewed for 2021.


Tier 4 areas

No CTT events are sanctioned and events cannot take place.


Tier 3 areas

No events will be sanctioned by CTT and cannot go ahead if it is based in a Tier 3 area, or the meeting point for the start is based in a Tier 3 area (this applies regardless of whether it is a Type A or Type B event). There is a limited exception to this in that Type B “club” events can be held, PROVIDED THAT everyone who competes in the event or helps out at the event, (whether that be a race official or otherwise), is from that same Tier 3 area.  People from Tier 1, Tier 2, any other Tier 3 area or a Tier 4 area must not attend the event. It is strongly recommended that if this exception is to be relied on, the event is kept to a small scale so as to make the event and compliance with the above easier to manage.


Tier 1 and Tier 2 areas

If your event is based within a Tier 1 or Tier 2 area, under the government restrictions as they stand as at today’s date, your event can go ahead.

Please be aware that the government restrictions provide that for people who live in a Tier 3 area, they should “avoid travelling to other parts of the UK, including for overnight stays other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities”.  That means no-one (whether that be competitors, race officials or anyone associated with the event) should travel to the event if they live in a Tier 3 area.

No-one from a Tier 4 area should travel to the event.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support – GOV.UK (



With effect from 26 December, most of Scotland will be in Covid Protection Level 4, with a minority of areas under Level 3.  Currently, outdoor non-contact sports are permitted within Levels 4 and 3. That means that CTT events can take place provided that there is strict compliance with the CTT Covid-19 risk assessment.  As stated on the Scottish government website, please note that physical distancing and good hygiene should always be observed.

You must not travel into or out of Level 3 and 4 local authority areas, (which will include travel into England), except for essential reasons. Taking part in a CTT event would not be considered as an exceptional reason.


Coronavirus in Scotland – (



  • Events must not use roads that travel into a Tier 4 area.
  • The onus to comply with the above restrictions is on the competitor and/or the person travelling to the event.
  • In all cases, it is essential that the CTT Covid-19 risk assessment is complied with.
  • Even in Tier 4, organised outdoor sport for under 18s and disabled people will be allowed.


If you are in doubt or have any questions, please contact Nick Sharpe –  National Secretary (Legal & Corporate)


Finally, thank you to everyone for the support and understanding throughout 2020.  It has been a difficult year.


Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year

COVID 19 Latest update

This update relates to CTT events in England only.  It is understood that there are no remaining CTT events in Scotland or Wales in 2020.

New measures came into effect on 02 December 2020.  CTT events now have to be considered under the new local restriction tier system.  For details of which tier you are in, please see the government website

Tier 1 and Tier 2 areas
If your event is based within a Tier 1 or Tier 2 area, under the government restrictions as they stand as at today’s date, your event can go ahead.   Please be aware that the government restrictions provide that for people who live in a Tier 3 area, they should “avoid travelling to other parts of the UK, including for overnight stays other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities”.  That means no-one (whether that be competitors race officials or anyone associated should travel to the event if they live in a Tier 3 area.

Tier 3 areas
The event will not be sanctioned by CTT and cannot go ahead if it is based in a Tier 3 area, or the meeting point for the start is based in a Tier 3 area (this applies regardless of whether it is a Type A or Type B event). There is a limited exception to this in that Type B “club” events can be held, PROVIDED THAT everyone who competes in the event or helps out at the event, (whether that be a race official or otherwise), is from that same Tier 3 area.  People from Tier 1, Tier 2 or any other Tier 3 areas must not attend the event. It is strongly recommended that if this exception is to be relied on, the event is kept to a small scale so as to make the event and compliance with the above easier to manage.

The onus to comply with the above restrictions is on the competitor and/or the person travelling to the event.

You must not socialise in groups of more than six people.  This is more stringent in a Tier 3 area.  Organised outdoor sport can continue, although in all cases, whether the event is to take place in a Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 area, it is essential that the CTT Covid-19 risk assessment is complied with.

It is anticipated that the next government review will be on 16 December 2020.  It is possible that the restrictions in your area (ie. the tier your area is in and/or the restrictions imposed) may change when that review is carried out.  CTT will continue to review and monitor the government advice.

If you have an event planned between now and 31 December 2020, and you are in doubt or have any questions, please contact Nick Sharpe –  National Secretary (Legal & Corporate)

2021 Season

HI all

I hope everyone is safe and  well and bearing up with the various levels of lockdown .

Its that time of year again NO NOT CHRISTMAS  but getting ready to pay our annual subscriptions, over the coming weeks Mr Wilson will be  sending out the membership forms for 2021 so let’s hope everyone renews as usual and if anyone knows of any new members wanting to join please let Andrew know.
Here are some of the proposed events the club will hopefully be holding in 2021, all dates to be confirmed.
The annual 100/8 early March
Open 10mTT on the T107 course      23/05/2021
Open 25mTT on the T252/3 course 13/06/2021
Open 50mTT on the T502/2 course 25/07/2021
Weekly Thursday night  club 10mTT on the T107 course starting early May
Any volunteers willing to  help out at any event would be greatly appreciated
 Andrew Wilson is looking to  gauge interest in a club trip next year maybe the North Coast 500 in the summer, details to follow.



In light of the recent relaxation in social distancing, the CTT risk assessment to be followed when putting on a CTT event has been amended slightly. This can now be found on the CTT website under the Covid-19 section

Also on the Covid-19 section is a copy of the risk assessment showing tracked changes, so that the changes made from the previous version (dated 16 June 2020) can easily be seen.

In the main, the changes relate to (1) competitors on tandems riding CTT events; (2) making it clear that competitors must not leave personal possessions with the time keeper; (3) at the discretion of the organiser and provided social distancing can be maintained, competitors can use turbo trainers to warm up; and (4) local lock down.

The CTT guidance “Putting on a Cycling Time Trials Event during COVID-19” has also been updated slightly to reflect the changes made to the risk assessment.

For those clubs that are able to promote events in 2020, thank you very much. This has been a very difficult year.  Whereas events can now be held in England, there are still government restrictions in place in Wales that will limit the size of the field in events.  For those in Scotland, the legislation does not yet allow for time trials although it is hoped that this may change at the end of July.

As always, if you have any queries, please contact

Thank you.

Cycling Time Trials

CTT Coronavirus update 06/07/2020

Coronavirus update 06/07/2020

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This update relates to CTT events in England only.  It does not relate to events in Wales or Scotland.

Currently, all CTT Type B ‘club’ events are suspended up to and including 12 July 2020 and all Type A ‘open’ events are suspended up to and including 17 July 2020.

Having considered the amended government guidelines and legislation released on 04 July, the Board of Cycling Time Trials is pleased to confirm that as the situation stands at present, it is not proposed to extend that suspension of events further and that competition can resume.

Accordingly, CTT Type B ‘club’ events can be held from and including Monday 13 July 2020 and all CTT events, to include Type A ‘open’ events, can be held from and including Saturday 18 July 2020.

When holding an event, whether that be a Type B ‘club’ or Type A ‘open’ event, it is essential that the requirements as set out in the CTT COVID-19 risk assessment are followed.  It is also essential that in the case of a ‘local lockdown’ due to an increase in COVID-19 infection in any particular area, that any such local lockdown is respected and adhered to.  If any club or organiser is in any doubt as to whether or not an event can proceed, please contact the National Secretary (Legal & Corporate)

The COVID-19 risk assessment and guidance – Putting on a Cycling Time Trials Event under COVID-19 is available on the CTT website:

CTT will continue to monitor the position closely.  The threat of COVID-19 and the risk of infection does still remain.  If you are not well or showing signs of COVID-19 then please do not attend at any CTT event.

Please remember that we have had many events cancelled this year due to COVID-19.  Also, many of the sport’s volunteers, without whom events cannot take place, are themselves in the vulnerable age categories and so will not be able to help out.

The sport needs volunteers!

If you can, and you enjoy time trialling, please offer your services for an event and help.  Unless there are volunteers willing to do so, quite simply we won’t have any events for you to race in.

06 July 2020

Sunday morning Club Ride June 28th

Due to the Government’s relaxing of the Covid 19 restrictions we are going to have a club ride on Sunday 28th June  0900 Church Square Hartlepool

Depending on numbers we will ride in groups of 6 and observe COVID 19 social distancing guide lines., this could change again this week.

Around 40 miles  No one will get dropped, we will ride as a group at a pace that suits everyone.

Hopefully if we get sufficient interest we can make this a weekly event.

Ride Strong Staf Safe.



This update relates to CTT events in England only.  It does not relate to events in Wales or Scotland.

At the beginning of June, the Government relaxed the restrictions on social distancing.  Whereas it is still not considered possible nor indeed appropriate to recommence CTT events as yet, it is anticipated that on or around 04 July the current restrictions may be relaxed further.  In anticipation of that being the case, it is hoped that it may be possible to resume CTT events in July 2020.

Currently all CTT events are suspended up to and including 30 June 2020.  To allow time to properly consider the expected Government guidance, Type B ‘club’ events are further suspended up to and including 05 July 2020 and all Type A events are further suspended up to and including 17 July 2020.

The safety of competitors and all those involved with the event must be paramount.  It has to be made clear that competition can be resumed only if the Government guidelines are relaxed sufficiently so as to allow for time trials to take place, and it is considered those guidelines can be fully adhered to regarding social distancing.  If this proves to be the case, Type B ‘club’ events can be held from 06 July 2020 and Type A events from 18 July 2020.
In taking this decision it is emphasised that there is no pressure at all on clubs or organisers to hold their events.  Whether to proceed with an event is entirely at the discretion of the relevant CTT district, the individual club and the individual promotor of the event.

A full coronavirus risk assessment and guidance as to what steps to put in place to mitigate potential risk has been prepared and will be circulated to all CTT districts, CTT affiliated clubs and event organisers shortly.

Police notification forms – open and club events
Although this may have been done already, clubs and organisers are reminded that they should send the PNF to the relevant police authority to ensure the necessary legal requirements will have been complied with.

CTT will review the position following the further government guidance which is expected on 04 July 2020.

08 June 2020
