Weekly News 19/09/22 to 25/09/22

HCC Sunday Social Cafe Ride

This week 2 riders signed up for the club ride, Sean and Steve S and were also joined by Csaba.  After a cold start to the day, the conditions were excellent for cycling with little wind and the temperatures picking up during the morning to make this a really enjoyable ride for a late September morning.  Very unlike Steve S though, he managed to get to the Golden Lion ten minutes early and naturally Sean being that used to Steve S arriving right on time, kept prompting to get the ride started.  But Steve S and Csaba had to keep telling Sean to hold on and that it’s only 8.50am and other members might turn up yet.  Unfortunately nobody else turned up and so the 3 club members set off to Seans impatient dissatisfaction at precisely 9.01am.

The ride followed Catcote Road out of town and along Greatham back lane to Cowpen Lane and past Haverton Hill over the Newport Bridge.  The riders then went up Marton Road and through Nunthorpe Village before heading towards Stokesley town centre where they had a cafe stop at Costa.  Many topics of conversation were discussed in the backyard smoking area of the restaurant where the 3 keen cyclists consumed coffee and cake next to a splattered dead pidgeon.

After what could be described as a two handed bowl of coffee each and some carrot cake, the group set off westerly towards Rudby, before turning back north through Seamer, Yarm and via the posh way back through Stockton.  They then took the Port Clarence and Tees Road back into town via Seaton.  No cafe picture today, but instead here’s a picture of Sean admiring his empire at Seaton after a well deserved 55-60 miles at 15mph average.  Well done to all who took part in this weeks Sunday ride.



Club/Racing News

On Sunday, two club members competed in the Cleveland Coureurs 25 Mile TT Teesside District Championship on the T252/3 course near Crathorne.  This event was also the HCC 25 Mile TT Club Championship event for 2022.  Lee Morley finished with a PB in an excellent time of 56:57 and Phil Wright finished in another great time of 1:10:40 and was also the first man on the course at 8.01am.  Well done to both club members for taking part.  Lee winning the Ron Best 25 Mile TT Cup and Phil winning the Handicap 25 Mile TT Cup!  The race was won by Adam Duggleby of Chapeau! Vive Le Velo in 47:47.


Strava Club Leaderboard

This week The Thirlwind claimed the top spot in the general classification with 203.6 miles, Matthew Johnson was 2nd with 138.5 miles and Steve Scanlon was 3rd with 116.6 miles.

The Thirlwind also took this weeks King Of The Mountains polka dot jersey with 7,379 ft of climbing.  The biggest single ride of the week was by Matthew Johnson with a fantastic ride to York and back over 138.5 miles.

This week 5 riders joined the 100 mile club for the week –  The Thirlwind, Matthew Johnson, Steve Scanlon, Phil Wright and Lee Morley.  Well done to all 5 of you, great mileage!

This week 18 riders put miles on the board out of 49 Strava HCC members.   Well done to everyone!  Achievements to note, a massive well done to Matt Johnson for his 138.5 mile ride to York and back, Lee Morley and Phil Wright for competing in the Club 25 Mile TT Championship event and winning respective cups,  Csaba Nadas for doing well and enjoying the Sunday rides and breaking many personal records and to all other club members who are enjoying getting some miles in this season!  Be safe and most of all enjoy it!
